Thursday 5 March 2015

Shoot 6 - Work Diary

I consider this lesson to be another turning point for my project. I thoroughly enjoy the prospect of taken photographs of before and after a specific event. This turning point was caused by me looking at the work of Michael Kelly where he takes pictures of the same subject but at different times. I feel that this could be a very successful technique in showing an object before and after it is damaged.

Here is my multiple imagery where I have shown evidence of damaged caused to a glass. I have done this by including a photograph of the glass in its original state in the top and second row central images. The central image demonstrates the formal element of reflection as the glass is reflected of the surface. Surrounding these images I have include several  close ups of the various broken segments of the glass after it is broken. The images show a range of shapes, pattern and lines in the cracks of the glass. The new shapes of the glass are enhanced by the dark background. I feel that this is a very successful way in showing the damaged caused to an object by showing its state before and after.

I feel that this photograph is also very successful in showing the damage/weathering of the bricks of the wall. Contrast is a very significant formal element seem in this piece for several reasons. Firstly there is a difference in condition of the healthy plants and damaged wall. This is shown by colour as the leaves are of a vibrant bold green colour whereas the brick is brown/orange. There are countless lines in the brick to demonstrate the cracks in the brick which is caused by weathering. There are some very dark shadow areas where pieces of the brick have fallen off, altering the shape of the brick. This leads to a difference in contrast between the textures of the two surfaces. The plants are very smooth whereas the the brick is rough and jagged. This overall all the comparisons with the plant enhances the damaged state of the brick and therefore bringing the viewers attention to it. 

In my next shoot I would like to continue experimenting with the theme of before and after. However I would like to experiment with this through editing. I would only take one photograph of three different subjects. Then in photoshop I could cut them in half and edit one half of the photograph to make the subject look older by adding wrinkles and changing hair colour. I could do this in the opposite way and make an older subject look younger mby smoothing out the skin.

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