Tuesday 10 March 2015

Shoot 7 - Work Diary

In this shoot I continued my new theme of before and after in an original way. Rather than taking two separate photographs of the same subject at separate time, I only took one picture. Then whilst editing I cut the picture into two halves and edited the left side. I learnt how to edit photographs to age subjects by following tutorials on youtube. In the first case I learnt how to make the figure look older by adding wrinkles and making the hair a more greyish tone. I also attempted to make an older subject of mine to look younger by smoothing out the skin, getting rid of wrinkles.

In this photograph I have successfully made my subject look older. I did this by changing the colour of the hair to a more greyish tone to imply an older age. Also several lines of a darker tone have been added to the skin to give the impression of wrinkles. Contrast is very visible in this piece as the left side of the figure looks old whereas the right side looks young. This is due to a contrast in the texture of the skin as the left side is wrinkly whereas the right side is smooth. There is a contrast in colour of the hair as the left side is grey and the right side is dark brown.

In this photograph I attempted to make the left side of the subject appear younger by making the texture of the skin look smoother by using the smudging tool. By doing this I removed wrinkles specifically around the eye to make the face look younger. Also I changed the shape of the make to look more full, I did the same to the eye to lift the eye lid. I removed the beard in order to gain a smoother texture and younger looking face. All of the above contrast with the right side of photo as it is unedited and in its original form.

In my next shoot I would like to explore Michael Kelly's technique of photographing before and after events in further depth. This may not be in relation to damage as it could just solely be evidence of time/time passing. I could do this by taking a picture of a specific object in the day and then later on, nearer night time, take the exact same picture from the exact same place. These colours of the photos would demonstrate a difference in time as one would be brighter than the other. Then when editing I would get these two photographs and crop them to opposing sides of the composition ( one to the left side and the other to the right) and then I would combine these images together to form the same image as before but just in two half which are taken at different times.

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