Thursday 16 April 2015

Connecting Essay 4

This photo is one I gathered from the internet and also used in my research log, showing the work of Ursula Abresch. It is of moss from a very close up distance showing it in great detail. This detail is enhanced through the method of blurring the background and foreground, focussing the attention and entail to the subject in the middle ground. Lines can be seen around the edge of the moss, as these areas are much lighter and exaggerated due to the blurring technique. They are also enhance through the face the the rest of the background is much darker and contrasts with these areas. The subject is placed near the centre of the composition where the most detail lies and therefore acts as the focal point of the piece.

This is my own photograph which I took by using the macro effect on the camera in order to capture the maximum detail of the water droplets on the moss. By focussing on this area, the background and foreground is blurred, therefore enhancing the detail and attention to this point. The formal element of colour is very visible as vibrant tones of green and yellows are shown where darker tones of orange/red show lines of moss. In the background the shapes and size of the water droplets are exaggerated so larger circles can be seen

These photos can be connected to each other through the subject of matter being moss, focussing on the water droplets formed by the weather. In both cases the method of blurring the backgrounds and foregrounds is used, allowing the attention and detail be enhanced to the middle ground and the main subject. This method is used to imply depth and distance as things seem further away. Some parts of the background in both images are much lighter than the rest of the compositions. This is because of the  blurring of the background which exaggerates the shape and size of the water droplets and lighter areas. They both have a similar green colour scheme with a slight tinge of orange/yellow. The formal elements of line is very strong in order to show the texture of the moss in both of these pictures. A similar camera and and zoom has been used, they are both very close up to the subject and on a similar level to it.

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